The Zenit Project

Zenit is a non-profit International News Agency, made up of a team of professionals and volunteers, which transmits the message of the Pope and of the Church.

Ours is a project of continual evangelization, which counts on committed donors. The donors’ generosity makes it possible for us to have the message of the Gospel reach more people. Thanks to this, millions of people worldwide receive daily information on the Church and the Pope at no cost.


Why is it a free service?

The Zenit project is available at no cost because people like you understand the importance of communicating, with independence and honesty, the messages of the Pope and the Church. In order to achieve this, we need the resources to maintain a professional team of Vatican correspondents, journalists, translators, computer programmers, administrators, etc.


How can I collaborate?

We at zenit offer a platform that multiplies the reach of the Gospel’s message and enables many individuals to promote Evangelization.


Our mission is Evangelization. We consider it a permanent task, which we carry out personally and communally. You can help us reach more souls in a variety of ways:

  1. By sending your friends and relatives an invitation to subscribe to zenit.
  2. By sending a donation.
  3. By sharing Zenit’s news and messages on the social networks.
  4. By spreading the word of the Pontiff and the Church.
  5. By praying for our endeavour.
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